Blog B


My blog is going to be about my weekend. I have decided that writting about the last class may be annoying because everyone
who will be reading this has already had class. This weekend I made the decision to get 2 tattoos without telling my mother and
now I hope she cancles next weekend when shes supposed to visit. I dont think she is going to be very happy with me. Especially
because my friend gave them to me in my living room LOL but she is very good and just got a tattoo gun. Plus one of the tattoos
is meaning full and has to do with family. I got a sun that represents my grandma because she always sang "you are my sunshine"
to me when I was lilttle, then I got my moms favorite flower, a plant to rep me, and a butterfly for my sister because she
has been obsessed with them since she was little. Then I got another plant on my ankle. My mom and I have matching tattoos so hopefully
she wont be mad about this one YOLO. I will include photos and hopefully I can write about a good reaction in my next blog.